Friday, 28 July 2017

Production BizTalk Deployment CheckList

BizTalk Deployment CheckList


  1. Take the backup of following things as per date
    • SSO
    • Binding
    • MSI Package
    • WebDirectory
    1. In MSI package does not contain the Binding.
    2. SSO export by default password: 1 (Made the txt file in the SSO backup folder)
  2. Brower the WCF service before deploy.
    Note: Make sure the WCF service is working befor deployment.
  3. Brower the WCF service after deploy. (It should work as expected)
  4. Verify the batch file before execute
    1. Verify the SQL database server name.
    2. Path of build which is going to deploy.
    3. Verify Binding file, MSI path
  5. Delete SSO and then Import the New SSO.
  6. Enable only receive location. (Ask authority person to start the BizTalk Application)

Friday, 21 July 2017

Why Microsoft Azure in Layman's Terms

Why Microsoft Azure in layman's terms

  • Build your apps, your way (You can setup an application and start building it out in minutes).
  • Pay only for what you use (Basically its like taking servers on rent).

Microsoft azure pass

Ready to get started?

Try Microsoft Azure Pass

We're offering an Azure Pass, so for a limited time period, you can try Azure for free

*No credit card required

Redemption Process Guide:

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Try Azure App Service - Free

Azure App Service is a cloud offering that integrates everything you need to quickly and easily build web and mobile apps for any platform or device.

An Azure subscription. For a free subscription, see Azure Free Trial. If you want to get started with Azure App Service before signing up for an Azure account, go to Try App Service, where you can immediately create a short-lived (1 Hour) starter web app in App Service. No credit cards required; no commitments.

Enjoy a time-limited Azure App Service experience without a subscription, free of charge and commitment.

Try App Service URL as below

You can create the below type of app with 1 Hour time limit.
  • Web App
  • Web App on Linux
  • Functions App
  • API App
  • Logic App

Monday, 17 July 2017

Secure B2B communications

Seure B2B communications

For securing your B2B communication, you can use two types of certificates in your enterprise integration apps

  • Public certificates, which must be purchased from a certification authority (CA).
  • Private certificates, which you can issue yourself. These certificates are sometimes referred to as self-signed certificates.

What are certificates?

Certificates are digital documents that verify the identity of the participants in electronic communications and that also secure electronic communications.

Why use certificates?

Sometimes B2B communications must bekept confidential.Enterpriseintegration uses certificates to securethese communications in two ways:
  • By encrypting the contents of messages
  • By digitally signing messages

Logic App

Logic App

"Logic Apps provide a way to simplify and implement scalable integrations and workflows in the cloud. It provides a visual designer to model and automate your process as a series of steps known as a workflow."

Advantage of Logic App

  • Saving time by designing complex processes using easy to understand design tools
  • Implementing patterns and workflows seamlessly, that would otherwise be difficult to implement in code
  • Getting started quickly from templates
  • Customizing your logic app with your own custom APIs,code,and actions
  • Connect and synchronize disparate systems across on-premises and the cloud
  • Build off of BizTalk server, API Management, Azure Functions,and Azure Service Bus with first-class integration support

Logic Apps is a fully managed iPaaS (integration Platform as aService) allowing developers not to haveto worry about building hosting, scalability,availability and management.Logic Apps will scale up automatically to meet demand.

Logic App Real world examples

  • Movefiles uploaded to an FTP server into AzureStorage
  • Process and route orders across on-premises and cloud systems
  • Monitor all tweets abouta certain topic,analyzethesentiment,and createalerts and tasks for items needing followup.

Why Logic Apps?

  • Easy to use design tools - Logic Apps can be designed end-to-end in the browser or with Visual Studio tools.
  • Connect APIs easily
  • Get started quickly from templates
  • Real integration



  • Generics feature added in C# 2.0
  • A generic type uses a Type parameter instead of hard-coding all the types.

Why Generics?

  1. Elimination of casts.
  2. Enabling programmers to implement generic algorithms.
  3. Stronger type checks at compile time (Fixing compile-time errors is easier than fixing runtime errors, which can be difficult to find.)

Generic method implementation.

   1:  using System;
   2:  using System.Collections.Generic;
   4:  namespace GenericDisplayArray
   5:  {
   6:      class Program
   7:      {
   8:          static void Main(string[] args)
   9:          {
  10:              int[] intArray = { 1, 2, 3 };
  11:              double[] doubleArray = { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 };
  12:              char[] charArray = { 'A', 'B', 'C' };
  14:              Console.WriteLine("Display Integer array using Generic Method:");
  15:              DisplayArray<int>(intArray); // How to call generic method.
  17:              Console.WriteLine("\nDisplay Double array using Generic Method: ");
  18:              DisplayArray(doubleArray); // How to call generic method.
  20:              Console.WriteLine("\nDisplay Char array using Generic Method: ");
  21:              DisplayArray<char>(charArray); // How to call generic method.
  22:              Console.ReadKey();
  23:          }
  25:          /// <summary>
  26:          /// Display any type of array.
  27:          /// </summary>
  28:          /// <typeparam name="T">Pass the datatype</typeparam>
  29:          /// <param name="inputArray">Pass the all type of array</param>
  30:          private static void DisplayArray<T>(T[] inputArray)
  31:          {
  32:              foreach (T element in inputArray)
  33:              {
  34:                  Console.Write("{0} ", element);
  35:              }
  36:          }
  37:      }
  38:  }

Abstraction Vs Encapsulation

Abstraction Encapsulation
Hides the implementation details of the methods provides a base to variations in the application which can grow over period of time. Hides the private data elements of the class and express only the required things to the client.
In abstract classes some methods can have implementation. All methods, properties in interfaces are empty. They are simple signature.
Abstract classes are used when we want to share common functionality in parent child relationship. Interfaces are used to define the contract, enforced standardization, decoupling and dynamic polymirphism.
We can declare variables. In interface we cannot declare variables.
Abstract classes are inherited. Interface are implemented.
Class only inherits one abstract class. Class may have several interfaces.
Abstract class can contain access modifier. Interface can not have access modifiers, everything is public.
Fast. Require more time to find actual method.

Object Oriented Programming ( Opps )

1. Object Oriented Programming ( Opps )

"Object oriented programming is an approach that provides a way of modularizing programs by creating partitioned memory area for both data and function that can be used as templates for creating copies of such modules on demand."

2. What are feature of OPPS?

  1. Abstraction - Show only what is necessary
  2. Encapsulation - a process of hiding all the complex processing
  3. Inheritance - Helps to defined parent child relationship between classes.
  4. Polymorphism - Object to act differently under different condition.

3. What is class?

User define datatype, or Class is blue print.

4. What is object?

instance of class.

5. What is function?

Group of statement.